Did you ever stop and wonder what Adele’s “Hello” sung in Irish would sound like? Probably not!
But it will not disappoint, I promise. The students from Coláiste Lurgan, in Galway have come up with this fabulous cover titled Hello – le Adele as Gaeilge
They have done many covers in Irish over the years but this is my personal favourite and no doubt it will be yours after a brief listen.
But don’t take my word for it, the video has already passed 1.5 million views and Adele’s “Hello” Sung In Irish is going to reach 2 million any day now!! Well done guys!
It is great to see how they are promoting the Irish language in a new and modern way.
Watch Adele’s “Hello” Sung In Irish and be sure to share:
If you loved this these other Irish guys ended up on stage with Adele from just a Facebook video! Wow
If you would like to sing along or at least try to sing along here are the lyrics in Irish:
Hello, tú ann?
Mé smaoineamh théis na mblianta
Ar mhaith leat casadh liom?
Le ghoil siar ar chuile shórt
Deir siad go gcneasódh am mo phiansa
Ach, táimse fós ag fulaingt
Hello, gcloiseann tú mé?
Tá mé síoraí breathnú siar ar an gcaoi mbíodh rudaí linn
‘S muid chomh hóg agus saor
gCuimhin leat an gliondar sular thit an domhan mórthimpeall orainn?
Muid ‘nois chomh difriúil oná chéile
Is ait an mac an saol
Hello dhuit ag tíocht anall
Ó dheoraí grá atá faoi smál
Ag iarra’ tharla a chuir ina cheart
Ná habair riamh go bhfuil ar ngrá thart
Hello dhuit ón taobh thall
Na bí chomh fuar mar níl aon chall
Admháim mo chionnta
Ba ormsa an locht
Nach féidir tosú ón tús ‘ríst anocht
Le do thoil
Hello, ce chaoi bhfuil?
Gach rud coinní’ ‘stigh rófhada
Tá sé seo chomh deacair
In am bogadh ar aghaidh
Scaoil uait a tharla ná breathnaigh siar
Is fág i bhfad taobh thiar dhúinn
Ní haon rún é nach bhfuil ceachtar a’ainn i dTír na nÓg.
Be sure to Pin this lovely image to your Pinterest boards.

We also loved their cover of “Cheerleader” by OMI, which has racked up 1.5 million views already!!
And yes we also have the lyrics for this song as well. Give it a go! 🙂
Nuair a bhíonn spreagadh an lae uaim
Is tú an chúis – is tú a bhíonn mar ghalláin glé dom (yeah yeah)
I gcónaí casadh coirneáil
Is léir go bhfuil an t-ádh liom
Cailín’ eile iad ag gealladh
Ach ní féidir mé a mhealladh
D’teastaíonn me uait?
mbogann mé do chroi dhuit?
bhfuil tu gafa faoi mo gheasa
Abair liom go bhfuil tú cinnte
Ó,a chroí beidh muide gcónaí síoraí spraoi
Brionglóid fútsa gan teip gach aon oí-che
Ó,a chroí beidh muide gcónaí síoraí spraoi
Brionglóid fútsa gan teip gach aon oí-che
Véarsa 2
A’ breathnú ort le tamall
‘g iarraidh d’airde le mo chloigeann thuas sna scamaill
Nuair a thógann tú mo lámh
Airíonn gach rud sona sámh
Cailín’ eile iad ag gealladh
Ach ní féidir mé a mhealladh
Toram grá, níl aon cheist faoi
Sin an chaoi ata sé, cinnte is tú grá mo chroí
Ní athróidh mé mo intinn
Breá le mo chairde thú , síleann siad go bhfuil tú togha
Níl tada ‘nois le rá is léir don saol gur tú mo rogha
If you enjoyed this post you will love the success the two Irish guys had from one single YouTube Video
Friday 18th of February 2022
How else can you describe this except for Awesome! Makes me prouder than ever to be Irish! I sent this to all of my boys - I know they will absolutely love it!
Irish Around The World
Friday 18th of February 2022
Glad you enjoyed and that you sent it to them. Thank you!
Mary Ellen Whittington
Wednesday 24th of November 2021
Amazing beautiful! Performance touch’s my soul!
Irish Around The World
Thursday 25th of November 2021
Great to hear
Michael McCormack
Tuesday 21st of September 2021
I just don't understand how or why these kids are not on a stage doing a concert of there own. Its not like they can't sing they can. Its not all irish traditional music and singing. There's modern songs too. Why no promoter's haven't snap them up for one night only. The kids and school would be brought back by popular demand for another night add to their original night. I'd by a ticket to see the show any day.
Irish Around The World
Tuesday 21st of September 2021
Yes I would have to agree with you there. They are so talented, could easily do a great concert
Stephen McGowan
Friday 17th of September 2021
What a truly beautiful song and dance presentation. The Irish rendition by All of the troupe is just fantastic!!
Shane Ruarc
Tuesday 6th of April 2021
Beautiful ❤️ Thank you for sharing this masterpiece. 🙏