My mother often passed down many Irish life hacks to me. So I was curious what other people’s Irish life hacks would be. I posted this post on Facebook and was pleasantly surprised to see over 300+ comments!
Now I refer to them as life hacks, but you could really call them Irish mammy wisdom.
Do you have any other unique Irish life hacks? Comment below.
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These are from the comments; enjoy.
Unique Irish life hacks
- Sprinkling “Holy Water” on a new car to keep the car safe on the road. I do it all the time.
- Owning a saint’s relic. Every Irish family worth their taties has a relic from some obscure saint that has been passed down through generations! St Euphrasia, pray for us!
- Writing ‘ S.A.G . on the back of envelopes, so that St Anthony takes a personal interest in having them efficiently delivered.
- St. Joseph statue planted in the yard will ensure your house sells!
- Not sure if this is Irish or just my Irish family…. but whiskey on gums for teething.
- Blessing yourself at the table before/after food
- Last week, a statue was put out for good weather for the kids’ first communion; worked for my two kids wedding, worked last Sat, amazing.
- Going to the cinema to see a filum(although not a life hack if you know this, you know what it means)
- A luminous plastic statue of holy water
- Crisps and peanuts mixed – if you haven’t tried this, do it!
- Tayto crisp sandwiches – with a bit of Kerrygold on the bread, perfection.
- Mom (91) still making sure we all 5 kids went to Mass.
- Hearing thunder and being told, ‘Gods just moving his furniture around.’
- A good cup of tea can fix anything, and not having tea bags in the house is like blasphemy.
- Saying bye 500 times before getting off the phone
- I would say don’t use the word craic outside of Ireland; it’s not the same
- Flat 7up cures everything.
- The interrogation before you went out
- Bringing tea bags on foreign holidays.
- Crossing yourself passing an ambulance, Cemetary, funeral hearse, grotto, Church, police sirens…….. I could go on but could take up quite some space!
- Clean your plate “do you not know they’re starving in Africa. “
- Sudocrem cures everything
- Turning off the immersion heater.
- Fresh baked white soda bread.
- Your communion money is in the credit union.
I am sure there is plenty more Irish life hacks out there and I will add a few extra in if you leave them in the comments. Thanks for stopping by,
P.S Don’t forget to subscribe and get your weekly dose of Irish straight to your inbox here.
nancy magyire maguire
Friday 20th of August 2021
St. Joseph did not work for me
Irish Around The World
Wednesday 25th of August 2021
Maybe next time :)
Ellie Fitzpatrick Ackerman
Friday 13th of August 2021
When there was thunder our mom would say, the angels are bowling again!
And the Irish family goodbye, saying goodbye from the living room to the front door and all the way out to the car. With a few more final hugs and kisses to go.
Irish Around The World
Friday 20th of August 2021
Great one!
Triantafillou Kathleen
Friday 9th of July 2021
“I never chew my cabbage twice” (I never repeat what I’ve said twice.)
Your mother did not produce glass ( said by a person who is watching TV and another individual, usually a child, stands between the viewer and the TV preventing the viewer from seeing the program.): a polite reminder to please move.
Irish Around The World
Tuesday 13th of July 2021
Great one's!