Valentine’s Day is only around the corner. And if you are looking for some lovely Irish sayings about Valentine’s Day, then you have come to the right place!
Over the centuries, Irish people have not just come up with 100’s of Irish sayings and wisdom; we also managed to create quite a few Irish sayings about love.
Many romantic Irish quotes and sayings have been used for decades and often at Irish wedding celebrations.
I have done some digging and compiled this list of Irish sayings about love. I hope you enjoy it, and be sure to share.
They will make your Valentine’s Day extra special this year!
And if you love these, I have my top 10 Irish blessings here as well.
Top 15 Irish sayings about love, marriage and Valentine’s day:
1. “Má bhíonn tú ag lorg cara gan locht, beidh tú gan chara go deo”
Translation: “If you’re searching for a friend without faults, you will be without a friend forever.”
2. Pós bean oileáin agus pósfaidh tú an t-oileán ar fad.
Translation: Marry an island woman, and you marry the whole island.
3. May you only grow old in the face. Be treasured and cared for with grace. Irish sayings about love
4. Tabauir PÓg dom <- A great one for someone looking for an Irish saying for Valentines day
Pronounced: Toor Pogue Dum
Translation: This is similar to the expression “Kiss Me, I’m Irish!” but means “Kiss Me” in Irish! Or give me a kiss.
5. The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself.
― George Bernard Shaw
Okay, I admit not technically an Irish love saying, but I felt it appropriate for this list.
The next 5 Irish sayings are more focused on Irish wedding sayings. Feel free to use them in your speeches
6. Is maith an bhean í ach níor bhain sí a bróga di go fóill.
Translation: She is a good wife, but she has not taken off her shoes yet. (she hasn’t been tested yet)
7.Tá mo chroí istigh ionat.
Pronounced: Taw muh ch(k)ree is-chi un-it.
Translation: My heart is in you’ (Basically saying ‘I love you’ in a nice way.)
8. Tá tú iontach álainn.
Pronounced: Taw too een-tach(k) awl-in.
Translation: You’re amazingly beautiful.
9. An bpósfaidh tú mé? <- don’t mess this one up.
Pronounced: On bo-sig too may
Translation: Will you marry me?
10. Níl leigheas ar an ngrá ach pósadh.
Translation: There is no cure for love other than marriage.
11. No wise man ever wished to be younger. Jonathan Swift
12. Sliocht sleachta ar sliocht bhur sleachta! <- A great one for the parents of the bride or groom.
Translation: May you have children, and your children have children.

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13. Go raibh páiste gach bliain agat.
May you have a child every year (more of a blessing)
14. Sláinte na bhfear agus go maire na mná go deo
Translation: Slawn-cheh na var agus guh mara na min-aw guh joh
Translation: The health of men and that women live forever
15. Go maire sibh bhur saol nua – Irish sayings about love
Pronounced Guh mwir-eh shiv voor say-ol nu-ah
Translation: May you enjoy your new life
Which of these Irish sayings about love was your favourite?
For me, it has to be number 9, as it would be a great way to propose.
And if you love these, I have my top 10 Irish blessings here.
If you enjoyed this post, be sure to share it and subscribe to my weekly dose of Irish(my email I send every Friday with all things Irish)
I also made this post with over 100 Irish sayings if you are looking for more wisdom.
And don’t worry if you are looking for the best Valentine’s Day wishes. Read this post.
Lastly, I got a good ole chuckle from this little Irish saying:
Thanks for stopping by; see you again soon.
Stephen Palmer
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